Jada Sezer’s life changing experience for teenage mothers' living in Sierra Leone’s slum communities.

Friday 13 December 2019


Ahead of Save the Children UK’s Christmas jumper day on Friday 13th December, social media advocate, model and body positive activist Jada Sezer was in Sierra Leone where she met with teenage mothers in slum communities who are battling school exclusion and social isolation due to early pregnancy. During her visit Jada was extremely interested in meeting the young people who are developing an innovative sexual reproduction health app to help increase knowledge among teenagers for better sexual reproductive health choices.


Through this visit, Jada will be using her high-profile channels to raise awareness of how money raised through Christmas jumper day can make a difference to children’s lives.

 From that visit, Jada’s first Instagram grid social post has just gone live and already has over 1000 likes! She has also been posting a number of Instagram stories speaking about her experience seeing our work, describing it as a ‘life changing’ experience. We will be sharing an overview of these soon. Please see this below link on her Instagram page. 
