Hero Story: I suffered burns to save my baby

Friday 19 April 2019


Aminata suffers severe burns to save her child

by Abdul Sillah, Advocacy and Communication Intern

On Saturday afternoon around 4pm, March 16  fire broke out in Corner community, Fogbo destroying 37 houses. Aminata a mother of a six month old baby risked her life to enter her home which was ablaze to rescue her son, Hassan.


Aminata suffered severe burns to save the only life that the fire could have claimed that afternoon.


“I went out to fetch water when the fire struck. When I returned, my house and other houses were on fire. People were trying to put out the fire but I had only one thing on my mind; rescuing my son.  Before anyone could stop me I dashed into the house to get Hassan.


I was frantic. The house was already dark from thick black smoke and hot from the fire which was all around me, but I managed to find little Hassan and get him out. I was lucky. Nothing happened to him. He is perfectly fine.”


Before Save the Children Emergency Response, Aminata had nothing for Hassan because she lost everything.  With distributions made on April 16 in Corner community, she now had some clothing, nappies and hygiene kits needed to care for baby Hassan.


To assist victims of the fire disaster in Corner Community, Save the Children distributed household items, clothing and hygiene kits for children under and over the age of five as well as provided school kits for school going children. Through our efforts we reached 131 men, 156 women, 103 pupils, 25 lactating mothers, 14 pregnant women and 97 under five children.


Despite her burns and loss of property, Aminata is grateful for two things; that baby Hassan is alive and well unscathed by the fire, and that Save the Children came to her aide when needed most.