Child Protection

Thursday 2 March 2023

Reducing Child, Early and Forced Marriage project is making a difference in the Kailahun district of Sierra Leone

This donation of furniture and stationery to the FSUs and CHCs in Kailahun district is just one example of the project's commitment to promoting gender equality and creating a better world for all children.

Wednesday 1 March 2023

Women's Groups In Pujehun District Ready to Lead Child Protection Campaign

These women will form the mothers' support group champions and they will lead sensitization and campaign activities in their communities to ensure that girls and boys are safe, protected from violence, and experience improved well-being. They will achieve their goal by increasing the capacity of parents and caregivers.

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Parliament meets with Child Rights Coalition to discuss repeal of the 2007 Child Right Act

The Minister of Gender and Children's Affairs, Manty Tarawallie, expressed her support for incorporating the Abolition of Child Marriage in the repealed Child Rights Act, stating that it would provide proper protection for the children of Sierra Leone

Friday 4 November 2022

Kailahun Soweis unite to end child early and forced marriage

This is the first time that Soweis have been brought together in Kailahun to discuss and champion ending child early and forced marriage. They want to have more engagements like this and want to present their resolutions to district stakeholders.

Friday 4 November 2022

"Investment in girls brings everlasting benefits" – Kailahun Sowei head

Elizabeth believes that of all investments in the world, raising a girl to reach her full potential is the only one thing that guarantees benefits not only to the girl child but to her family and community.
